A fancy breed from north Indian origin. Totapari goats are extremely curious and intelligent. Among several breeds, the Bihari muslims tried in the last over 70 years, Totapuri have been found to be suitable and well adapted in urban settings. They are also very coordinated and widely known for their ability to climb and hold their balance in the most precarious places. This makes them only ruminant able to climb trees, although the tree generally has to be on somewhat of an angle. They are very quiet, even when they come to heat. They are very sensitive to stale food and water and always refuses any discarded food materials. Fresh water, wheat bran and chick pea bran plus are considered their main food. They also require green grasses, jackfruit leaves and warm rice water (the starchy water left over after rice is cooked). However, if it is cold, they will move their head and will go away. It is easy to be understandably frustrated, when newly arrived Totapuri goat refuses foods and will only eat a handful of bland foods. Thus, feeding becomes a battleground, and won’t eat a food because there’s something imperfect about it. They only want pure and it looks to owner as though, unlike Black Bengal goats, their brain is just dead set against eating certain foods, as if, if they eat that food, they will be harmed. They weight about 20-100kg. Face resembles with the parrot(“tota” in Hindi) ,so it is called Totapari.
This breeds of goat looks like Jamunapari but this breeds are differentiated by its unique characters like:
- Large body weight than Jamunapari
- Face resembles with Parrot(Tota)
- This breed doesn't have Goatee beard below its chin which is present in Jamunapari
- Totapari is much more docile compared to Jamunapari breed of goat