Endometritis is infection of inner layer of uterus in which there is inflammatory condition of lining of uterus due to an infection, it is very common with an incident of rate around 17% that prevent conception.
Etiology- 1.Bacterial Infection ; Chlamydia, Candida, Gonorrhea, Tuberculosis
- 2. Allergies
- 3.Injury
Sign And Symptom
- Swelling of uterine wall
- Abnormal vaginal discharge
- Abnormal vaginal bleeding
- Fever
- Infertility
- Diagnosis of clinical endometritis is a presence of purulent vaginal discharge.
- Vaginal examination :By using vaginal speculum it can be visualize and examine.
- There are also 'white side test' which collecting mucous from cows of endometritis and heating it with a sodium hydroxide solution up to boiling point. if the reaction turns yellow it is positive for endometritis due to the presence of leukocyte.
- Uterine biopsy
In Uterine endometritis uterine flushing with antibiotic like procaine penicillin .
prostaglandin (PGFá½±2) administered for lysis of corpus luteum and return back to estrus to cattle.
proper management of nutrition and hygiene.
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Uterine Infection | Treatment of infected uterus | Video by PetVet - YouTube